Meeting documents

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet received a report which provided information affecting the Council’s revenue budget for 2018/19 in order for the Cabinet to make recommendations to Council on 27 February regarding the Council’s budget and council tax for 2018/19.


RECOMMEND to Full Council that the


1)     the Revenue budget for 2018/19 as summarised in the table in paragraph 4.13 be approved.


2)     the following use of earmarked reserves for 2018/19 be agreed.

-        Local Development Plan, £393k

-        Economic Development Reserve, £42k


3)     a budget requirement of £7,398k, which will result in a District council tax of £158.00 for a Band D property be approved.


4)     the level of fees and charges for 2018/19 as set out in Appendix C be confirmed.


5)     the advice of the Director of Resources as set out in Appendix A be noted.


6)     the comments in the report on the Council’s financial position in respect of the years following 2018/19 and the updated Medium Term Forecast be noted.


7)     the revenue and capital budgets for 2018/19 for the Farnham Park Trust as summarised in Appendix D be agreed.



And RESOLVED that this report be made available to all Members of the Council in advance of the Council Tax setting meeting on 27th February, and a final report be produced for the Council meeting incorporating the information from preceptors, and the final decisions of the Cabinet on the budget.


Publication date: 07/02/2018

Date of decision: 07/02/2018

Decided at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: